2010 VEXAG International Workshop

Venus, Our Closest Earth-like Planet:
From Surface to Thermosphere - How does it Work?

Madison, Wisconsin, USA | 30 August - 2 September 2010

Abstract Submission

Session closed. Thank you for your participation.

Abstracts Format Guidelines

General Information

All abstracts should begin with a short summary and should be limited to four pages in length (but we do encourage four pages, not less!). The extended abstracts will be reproduced as a printed booklet (in black and white) and posted on the workshop website in PDF format. Any graphics in color are acceptable in the PDF versions.

Page Layout

Please use US Letter size (8.5" x 11") with 1" margins (top, bottom, left and right). Page should be divided into two 3.15" columns with a 0.2" margin in between. All paragraphs should begin flush left and justified at right margin.

Font and Type

Please use 10-point Helvetica or Arial font in single space for all text and headings. Section headings should be in bold. There should be cleared single space between paragraphs and headings.

Title and Authors

This section should be centered. The title should be 14-point bold and followed by authors’ names and affiliations, both 10-point normal. Numbers must be used to indicate the author’s affiliation (placed in brackets, followed by city and country).


Please use the Icarus style for references.

Here is an example of abstract format

Last Update: July 13, 2011